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Оригинальные стихотворения, представленные на конкурс переводов, опубликованы на стенде в кабинете английского языка.
Переводы присылайте в конкурсную комиссию по e-mail: lud.milka80@mail.ru (копия leogriva@yandex.ru) до 01.06.2018 г. Возможна сдача работ в рукописном виде в каб.21 (Людмиле Викторовне). Организаторы конкурса оставляют за собой право в исключительных случаях продлить сроки проведения конкурса.
Члены жюри работают с переводами в период с 01 по 10 июня.
Результаты: о результатах конкурса можно узнать 10 июня. Награждение: все учащиеся получают сертификат участника, победители награждаются грамотами и призами!!!
Это будет круто!
Стихотворения для конкурса:
для 5-8 классов
The Funny Kittens ( by Carolyn Wells )
Once there were some silly kittens,
And they knitted woolly mittens
To bestow upon the freezing Hottentots.
But the Hottentots refused them,
Saying that they never used them
Unless crocheted of red with yellow spots.
So the silly little kittens
Took their blue and white striped mittens
To a Bear who lived within a hollow tree;
The Bear responded sadly,
"I would wear your mittens gladly,
But I fear they are too gay for such as me."
Then the kittens, almost weeping,
Came to where a Cow lay sleeping,
And they woke her with this piteous request,
"Won't you wear our mittens furry?"
Said the Cow, "My dears, don't worry;
I will put them on as soon as I am dressed."
Then the Cow put on her bonnet
With a wreath of roses on it,
And a beautiful mantilla fringed with white;
And she donned the pretty mittens,
While the silly little kittens
Clapped their paws in admiration at the sight.
Daddy Fell into the Pond ( by Alfred Noyes )
Everyone grumbled. The sky was grey.
We had nothing to do and nothing to say.
We were nearing the end of a dismal day,
And then there seemed to be nothing beyond,
Daddy fell into the pond!
And everyone's face grew merry and bright,
And Timothy danced for sheer delight.
"Give me the camera, quick, oh quick!
He's crawling out of the duckweed!" Click!
Then the gardener suddenly slapped his knee,
And doubled up, shaking silently,
And the ducks all quacked as if they were daft,
And it sounded as if the old drake laughed.
Oh, there wasn't a thing that didn't respond
Daddy fell into the pond!
Homework, I love you ( Kenn Nesbit )
Homework, I love you. I think that you’re great.
It’s wonderful fun when you keep me up late.
I think you’re the best when I’m totally stressed,
preparing and cramming all night for a test.
Homework, I love you. What more can I say?
I love to do hundreds of problems each day.
You boggle my mind and you make me go blind,
but still I’m ecstatic that you were assigned.
Homework, I love you. I tell you, it’s true.
There’s nothing more fun or exciting to do.
You’re never a chore, for it’s you I adore.
I wish that our teacher would hand you out more.
Homework, I love you. You thrill me inside.
I’m filled with emotions. I’m fit to be tied.
I cannot complain when you frazzle my brain.
Of course, that’s because I’m completely insane.
The Principal Is Missin ( by Kenn Nesbitt )
The principal is missing.
He’s nowhere to be found.
The teachers tried to page him,
and they’ve hunted all around.
He isn’t in the staff room.
He isn’t in the gym,
and all the kids are wondering
just what’s become of him.
We’ve looked in every classroom.
We’ve peeked in every hall.
We even checked the bathrooms
and inspected every stall.
He isn’t in his closet.
He’s not behind his door.
He isn’t underneath his desk
or hiding in a drawer.
If you should see our principal,
please send him back to school,
and tell him we apologize.
We know that we were cruel.
Please tell him that we miss him.
We’re sorry we were mean.
But tell him next Saint Patrick’s Day
he needs to wear some green.
You've Got A Friend In Me ( by Randy Newman )
You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
When the road looks rough ahead
And you're miles and miles
From your nice warm bed
You just remember what your old pal said
Boy, you've got a friend in me
Yeah, you've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
If you've got troubles, I've got 'em too
There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you
We stick together and can see it through
Cause you've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
Some other folks might be
A little bit smarter than I am
Bigger and stronger too
But none of them will ever love you
The way I do, it's me and you
Boy, and as the years go by
Our friendship will never die
You're gonna see it's our destiny
You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me.
для 9-11 классов
Love’s secret (by William Blake)
Never seek to tell thy love
Love that never told can be
For the gentle wind does move
Silently, invisibly.
I told my love, I told my love
I told her all my heart
Trembling, cold, in ghostly fears,
Ah! She did depend!
Soon as she was gone from me,
A traveller came by
Silently, invisibly
He took her with a sigh.
The Story Teller (by J. Joyce)
He talked, and as he talked
Wallpaper came alive;
Suddenly ghosts walked,
And four doors were five;
Calendars ran backward,
And maps had mouths;
Ships went tackward
In a great drowse;
Trains climbed trees,
And soon dripped down
Like honey of bees
On the cold brick town.
He had wakened a worm
In the world's brain,
And nothing stood firm
Until day again.
Across the places deep and dim,
And places brown and bare,
It reaches to the planet's rim-
The Road to Anywhere.
Now east is east, and west is west,
But north lies in between,
And he is blest whose feet have prest
The road that's cool and green.
The road of roads for them that dare
The lightest whim obey,
To follow where the moose or bear
Has brushed his headlong way
The secrets that these tangles house
Are step by step revealed,
While, to the sun, the grass and boughs
A store of odors yield.
More sweet these odors in the sun
Than swim in chemist's jars;
And when the fragrant day is done,
Night-and a shoal of stars.
Oh, east is east, and west is west,
But north lies full and fair;
And blest is he who follows free
The Road to Anywhere.
Leisure (by W.H. Davies)
What is this life, if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
A Winter Eden (Robert Frost)
A winter garden in an alder swamp,
Where conies now come out to sun and romp,
As near a paradise as it can be
And not melt snow or start a dormant tree.
It lifts existence on a plane of snow
One level higher than the earth below,
One level nearer heaven overhead,
And last year’s berries shining scarlet red.
It lifts a gaunt luxuriating beast
Where he can stretch and hold his highest feat
On some wild apple tree’s young tender bark,
What well may prove the year’s high girdle mark.
So near to paradise all pairing ends:
Here loveless birds now flock as winter friends,
Content with bud-inspecting. They presume
To say which buds are leaf and which are bloom.
A feather-hammer gives a double knock.
This Eden day is done at two o’clock.
An hour of winter day might seem too short
To make it worth life’s while to wake and sport.