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Тест №1

Year 6 (Rainbow English)

Test 1

1. Dictation.

2. Listen to the text and say which places of interest Kevin Davis didn't see on his first day in Moscow.

a) Moscow churches             

b) Red Square                       

c) St Basil’s Cathedral

d) Gorky Park

e) the Bolshoi Theatre

f) the monument to Alexander Pushkin

3. Read the text and match its parts (1—3) with their names (a—d). There is one name you don't have to use.

a) A Great Place for Sports

b) A Legend That May Be Not at All True

c) Some Facts from History

d) A Place of Wonderful Natural Beauty


1. Zvenigorod stands on the River Moskva 65 km to the west of Moscow. It is one of the oldest cities situated near Moscow. People think that Prince Yury Dolgoruky founded Zvenigorod in 1152 just as he founded Moscow in 1147. As well as Moscow, the city has its Kremlin (Gorodok) with a beautiful 14th century cathedral. There is also a big monastery ['monastri] in Zvenigorod which once was a residence of Tsar Alexei. The monastery has a long and interesting history.

2. We don’t know why this city has the name of Zvenigorod. One of the stories says that in the days of old there were many churches in the city. The bells of the churches rang and people could hear their ringing far from the city. They said, “Gorod zvenit” (“the city is ringing”), which gave the name to the city.

3. Zvenigorod has the nickname of Russian Switzerland because it is situated in a beautiful ecologically clean area with great pine forests around it.


4. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.


anything, everybody, anybody, everything. nobody, nothing

1) ... says the Moscow Metro is beautiful. 2) ... is white in Moscow when it snows. 3) ... knew anything about the English language in Europe in the 14th century and earlier. 4) ... can show you the road to the city cathedral. 5) I can hear ... . He is very far from us. 6) Can you hear ...?

5. Choose the right words to continue the rows.

enemies, rain, architects, statues, water, palaces, ice, columns

1) Few enemies, ..., ..., ..., ....

 2) Little rain, ..., ..., ..., ....


6. Use the right| words to complete the sentences.

1 Did you (hear/listen) about their trip to St Petersburg?

2) "I (am listening to/hear) you mum, but I (am listening/ hear) badly."

3)  We couldn't (hear/listen to) what he was speaking about.

4) "(Listen to/Hear) us," the children asked.

5) Little Lizzy likes to (listen to/hear) fairy tales.


7*. Make up different types of questions.

1. Moscow stands on the Moskva river.

2. Peter the Great founded St Petersburg in 1703.


Категория: Тесты и контрольные работы | Добавил: miladubitskaya80 (28.11.2016)
Просмотров: 3030 | Теги: Rainbow English, 6 класс, раздел 1, тест, Михеева, Афанасьева | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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